Sports Card Central
31383 Orchard Lake Rd. Located on the SW Corner of Orchard Lake Rd. and 14 Mile Rd. next to Potbelly restaurant. The store carries a huge selection of PSA BGS and BVG Graded and ungraded sports cards and Memorabilia as well as packs and boxes of hockey, baseball, basketball and football cards. We offer Custom Memorabilia Framing services. Specializing in Yu Gi Oh, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Naruto TCG's. Best Selection of TCG singles, packs and boxes. We Our World Class staff is EXTREMELY knowledgeable and Courteous. We pay TOP $$$ For Quality Collections. We also handle FULL Estate Sales. Call today for information. Open 7 days. ReviewIf you've shopped at Sports Card Central, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsI went there for my first time and best store ever!!!!! i GOT 7 SWEET CARDS FOR LIKE 5 OR 6 bucks!! I gonna keep going there forever. They have the coolest things there! -- Andrew R Really great cards, just wish they had more Pokemon... The guys there were really nice too. -- Lyan Everything in the store is overpriced. Beware if you buy packs from an open box all the hits are already gone because they weigh the packs. -- STEVE Never open on time! Always late. Prices high, except when you want to sell something and than try to low ball you. -- Bill Was there when they were supposed to open...they arrived 20 minutes late. Were sold out of what I was looking for... was looking for a certain box of 2011 baseball cards. Asked if anywhere else to find them because his birthday was in 2 days...they said nowhere...they said there were no other hobby stores...found them at another hobby store 8 miles away. -- james Wish they still had yugioh locals up! -- Paul Li Very cheap prices, nice guys and every time you come in they have different cards for sale. -- kenan Best store EVER!!! I love it. I just turned 10 years old and my Dad got me a 50$ gift card there. I've bean their 20 TIMES. I'm not kidding best place EVER!!!! -- Liam p. I just got back into card collecting mostly because of my boys (7 & 9 years old) asking me about my old cards and why I didn’t collect any more. Anyway, this place has a real nice selection, equally nice staff, and are very polite to my boys when they try to sell their brand new cards thinking their worth thousands. -- Alan P The greatest store of all time. -- jeff liebowitz Best Store in the area. Great Selection, friendly owners, Ebay type prices. Cool framed memorabilia on the walls. I don't play trading card games, but it looks like they have a pretty huge selection of Magic the gathering and Yugioh. have not seen this many graded cards in a store. Plus I heard Beckett is doing LIVE grading in their store this summer, 2010. -- Ed |