313 West Jefferson Avenue
Effingham, IL 62401
(217) 342-2539
Web site: http://stores.ebay.com/Baseball-Card-Connection
Email: connect at consolidated dot net
This 6,0000 Square Foot Sports Collectible Super Store is located at 313 West Jefferson Avenue in Effingham's beautiful downtown business district. The store offers a wide selection of sports cards and collectibles that focus on Baseball, Basketball, and Football. This store also has the largest selection on Thomas the Tank Engine Wooden Railway trains in Illinois. With over 75 different trains in stock at all times, it is easy to see why this store is the #1 stop for those little engineers. The walls are covered with custom framed, museum quality memorabilia that is eagerly awaiting a new home. Be sure not to miss this big city store located in a small town in the heart of Illinois.
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